Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tom Baker / Restaurant / 4th Doctor / Hooters OnEver fancied seeing Tom Baker in a tight fitting top. Have you dreamt of Matt Smith in hotpants? Do you want David Tennant to personally greet you with his characteristic Allons-y? If so Whooters is for you. Whooters Restaurant is known for their world famous Whooters Doctors and family fun […]
Men of Scarves
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Tom Baker / Sherlock Holmes / Benedict Cumberbatch / Brewery / Beer / Alcohol / Beer Label / Sherlock / British / Daniel Radcliffe OnBow ties may be cool, but scarves are for real men! Sherlock. Doctor Who. Harry Potter. They’re brilliant. They’re British (well, honorarily British in the case of the Fourth Doctor Who). And they wear scarves. Whether worn as part of their school uniform, to dress for the weather, or just […]
Vitr-Whovian Doctor- Doctor Who
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tom Baker / Tardis / Sonic Screwdriver / Matt Smith / David Tennant / Time Travel / Whovian / Vitruvian Man / Gallifrey / Leonardo da Vinci / Scarf / Timelord OnIt is a little known fact that Da Vinci’s original Vitruvian Man was drawn after a series of encounters with a strange man in a blue phone box which appeared to him while painting the Mona Lisa. Mixing art with science? Certainly sounds like the work of a certain Gallifreyan Time […]
The WHOs
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Dalek / Doctor Who / Tom Baker / Tardis / Sonic Screwdriver / Matt Smith / Music / The Who / Paul McGann / David Tennant OnThe ‘My Regeneration Tour’ live on stage! Fresh from their last performance at Satellite 5, The WHOs are the greatest band of all…Time! Paul McGann’s sonic screams wail out across the universe, accompanied by killer licks from Tom Baker on lead guitar, and a smooth groove from bass guitarist Matt […]
Doctor Pooh
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Doctor Who / Winne the Pooh / Tom Baker / Tardis OnOnce upon a time (and some dimension in space), in the Hundred Acre Wood… Doctor Who meets Winne the Pooh in this childhood classic mash-up.