A Drink From the Future
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Futurama / Doctor / Beer / Alcohol / Brew / RBCBrewhouse / Beer Label / Zoidberg / Carlsberg OnJohn Zoidberg may possibly be the most incompetent Doctor in the universe, but what he lacks in medical acumen, he more than makes up for in brewing skills. Using a special recipe from his home planet, Decapod 10, and fermentation process utilizing his own ink sacks for that special taste, […]
Hogwarts Muggle Red Ale
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Beer / Brew / RBCBrewhouse / Dumbledore / Smithwick's Irish Ale / Beer Label OnWizards have a fine tradition when it comes to drinking. The local inns – The Leaky Cauldron, The Hog’s Head and The Three Broomsticks – serve a variety of popular spirits and ales, such as Butterbeer, Firewhiskey, Red Currant Rum and Dungbarrel Spiced Mead. But now there is a new […]