Karate Time
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Karate Kid / Cartoon / Karate / Martial Arts / Adventure Time / Finn / Jake / Daniel San / Mr Miyagi / Cobrakai OnIt’s Karate Time!!! with Finn San and Mr. Mijake. Can Mr. Mijake from the Land of Oookinawa teach Finn San the moves he needs to defeat the karate champion of the Cobrakai Kingdom? Adventure Time meets The Karate Kid in this martial arts mash-up.
Sensei Pepper’s Martial Arts Club Band – Attack Mode
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with The Beatles / Music / Kung Fu / Ninja / John Lennon / Paul McCartney / Ringo Starr / George Harrison / Karate / Martial Arts / Judo / Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band OnBruce Lee. Jackie Chan. Jet Li. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They’ve got nothing on Sensei Pepper’s Martial Arts Club Band. While many know of the Beatles phase of experimenting with mind-altering drugs, Indian philosophy and meditation, few know of their martial arts phase. Their sensei at the time – Sensei […]