The Alliance of Magicians
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Star Wars / Lord of the Rings / Parody / LOTR / Arrested Development / Bluth / Gob Bluth / Voldemort / Geek / Wizard / Magic / Big Trouble in Little China / Obi-Wan Kenobi / Gandalf / Fantasy / Lo Pan OnDo not mistake them for conjurers of cheap tricks. The Alliance of Magicians demands to be taken seriously, and as such, Gob has brought some heavy hitters to the Alliance. Gandalf, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lo-Pan. Lord Voldemort. The creme de la creme of magicians and illusionists. These magic masters will however, […]
Bluth Family Crest
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Tobias Fünke / Arrested Development / Bluth / Michael Bluth / Gob Bluth / Buster Bluth / Crest / Magic / Favor / Banana / Chicken / Hook / Martini / Coat of Arms / Lindsey Fünke OnFans of Arrested Development are all to familiar with the phrase “I need a favor“, having been said by each family to Michael at some stage. Inspired by Michael’s response “We should put that on our family crest”, The Bluth Family Crest features the family crest and a number of […]
Arrested Development Quotes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Tobias Fünke / Quotes / Arrested Development / Bluth / Michael Bluth / Gob Bluth / Buster Bluth / George Michael Bluth / Lindsay Fünke / Maebe Fünke / George Bluth / Lucille Bluth OnThe Bluth Family -the family that makes other families seem normal. Over 25 “Arrested Development” running gags and quotes in one shirt. Huzzah!