It’s All Fun and Games Until…
Posted by admin in Miscellaneous tagged with Charity / Games / Balloons / Fun / Carnival OnLife can be pretty trying for a balloon – especially balloons born into the service of carnies. One moment you’re hanging out on a wall with your friends chatting about typical balloon things – weather, air pressure, sharp objects – and the next you realize your entire existence has been a […]
Posted by admin in Typographic tagged with Contest / Charity / Pride / Self Confidence / Proud / Charitee OnBe As You Are. Be Proud, but not arrogant. Stand up, stand out, and celebrate our differences and everyone’s right to proudly be as they are. You’ve gotta have Pride. Inspired by the Goodjoe Weekly Theme No. 23: Be As You Are contest. $1 from every sale goes to help […]
The Usual Middle Earth Suspects
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Gollum / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Sauron / Middle Earth / The Usual Suspects / Saruman / Black Rider / Uruk-Hai / Charity / Verbal Kint OnThis whole thing was a shakedown…there’s no way they’d line five felons in the same row. Five men – Saruman, Sauron, The Witch-King of Angmar, Lurtz, Gollum – brought in on a trumped-up charge to be leaned on by halfwits. To a cop, the explanation is never that complicated. It’s […]