Gallifrey Express
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Doctor Who / Futurama / Tardis / Gallifrey / Planet Express OnSure, Planet Express delivers in space, but only Gallifrey Express delivers through time and space. If you want the fastest delivery service in the Universe, just call 1-800-THE-DOCTOR and your package will be delivered in an instant. Futurama’s Planet Express meets Doctor Who in this time and space mash-up.
Gallifreyan Docs
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Doctor Who / Gallifrey / Reservoir Dogs / Quentin Tarantino OnCybermen to the left of me, Daleks to the right. Here I am, stuck in the T.A.R.D.I.S with Who! Dr Eleven, Dr Ten, Dr Four, Dr Seven, Dr Nine and Dr Five get together to plan the ultimate heist. Inspired by Doctor Who and Quentin Tarantino’s cult-classic, Reservoir Dogs.