Doctor Typographic
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Dalek / Doctor Who / Sonic Screwdriver / Cybermen / Weeping Angel / Cyberman / Doctor OnSome people just need things spelled out to them. So hear this: If you threaten the entire human race (yes, I’m talking to you Cybermen and Daleks), the Doctor will be there; if you threaten just a single human being – that means you, Weeping Angels – the Doctor will […]
Peter Cotton Ale
Posted by admin in Uncategorized tagged with Beatrix Potter / Peter Rabbit / Cottontail / Mr McGregor / Brewery / Beer / Ale / Alcohol / Brew / Peter Cottontail / Bunny / Rabbit OnOld Mr GcGregor finally got his revenge on Peter Rabbit. Who knew bunnies could be turned into home brew? Peter Cotton Ale. Now with more hops. Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit meets a boutique brewery label in this mash-up…because childhood memories are better with alcohol.