Hidden Lord
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Muggle / Voldemort / Dumbledore / Magic / Broom / Glasses / Wand / Hermione / Ron / Scar / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry / Owl / Boy Who Lived OnWe all know of “He Who Must Not Be Named” and finally we have a t-shirt to reveal his true powers. This magical tee has a fantastic design on it’s own but when pinched and folded upward, it magically reveals…“HIM!” Whether you’re a wizard or a muggle, this shirt will […]
Wizard Whimsy
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Golden Snitch / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary / Icons / Dragon / Scarf / Wand / Snake / Hogwarts Express / Castle / Quiddtich / Lightening OnWhen you think of the Harry Potter wizarding world, there are a number of iconic reference that immediately come to mind – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary, Quidditch, Harry’s Lightening Scar, Wands, the Hogwarts Express – all of which are represented in Zomboy’s latest design, Wizard Whimsy. Focusing on […]
Wizards Rule
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Geek / Gandalf / The Hobbit / Nerdy / Fantasy / Wand / Staff OnLord of the Rings. The Hobbit. Harry Potter. Legend of the Seeker. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Princess Bride. Willow. Big Trouble in Little China. What do these great books, movies and TV shows have in common? Wizards. Gandalf. Harry Potter. Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander. Tim the Enchanter. Miracle […]