Danger of Extermination
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Dalek / Doctor Who / Tardis / Amy Pond / Matt Smith / Quote / Who / Whovian / TV / Doctor / Sci Fi / Cool / Typography / 11th / Warning Sign / Madman With A Box OnWarning: Danger of Extermination.
Ghosts, Werewolves & Vampires
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with TV / Typography / Monster / Ghost / Television / Typographic / Vampire / Werewolf / Creature / Full Moon / Bristol / Being Human OnInspired by Being Human.
Hogwarts College Gryffindor 1997 Quidditch cup winners
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Hufflepuff / Ravenclaw / Slytherin / Gryffindor / Seeker / Hogwarts / Muggle / Voldemort / Dumbledore / Geek / Wizard / Cartoon / Retro / Vintage / Graphic / Broom / Cool / Typography / Moon / Vector / Cute / College / Deathly Hallows / Snitch / Chaser / Beater / Keeper / Sport / Witch / Spoof / Broomstick / Sports / Bomdesignz / Academy / Team / Jersey / Quaffle / Bludger / Abercrombie / Weasley / Half Blood / Prince / University / Hogwarts College OnWhat with the rise of the Dark Lord, the death of Dumbledore, and the takeover of Hogwarts by Umbridge and her cronies, 1997 was the last known year that Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup. Inspired by Harry Potter.
Quotes of a Slayer
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Quote / Quotes / Buffy / Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Sunnydale / Spike / Xander / Faith / Willow / Hero / TV / Geek / Apocalypse / Buffy Summers / Joss Whedon / Funny / Nerd / Awesome / Typography / Angel / Slayer / Vampire / Power / Women / Woman / Feminism On8 Quotes from Sunnydale’s favorite vampire slayer, in classic Tom Trager typographic style. Inspired by Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Why would anything nice ever happen?
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Quote / Funny / Typography / Vector / Cute / Dark / Hilarious / Louis Ck / Louie / Louis / Optimism / Comedian / Sad / Shameless On“That’s what optimistic means you know? It means stupid! An optimist is somebody who goes ‘hey, maybe something nice will happen!’ Why the fuck would anything nice ever happen!? What are you, stupid?!” -Louis CK Inspired by Comedy Central’s Louie.
Tolkien Typography – Gold
Posted by admin in Typographic / Geeky tagged with Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Middle Earth / Quotes / Vintage / Typography / Hobbit / J.R.R Tolkien On“Not all those who wander are lost” — Bilbo Baggins A typography piece based on the poem by Bilbo Baggins, and authored by J.R.R Tolkien. Includes Tolkien’s monogram at the bottom.
For Sale Tardis
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Time Lord / Sci Fi / Typography / Fantasy / Phone Box / For Sale OnWhy is it I can never find this ad in the Trading Post? For Sale: Time and Relative Dimensions in Space (TARDIS). Excellent condition. Used only to travel to Elizabethan England on weekends. Timelords only. Contact the Doctor on 07700 900 461.
Avada Kedavra!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Voldemort / Geek / Sci Fi / Book / Typography / Fantasy / Spell / Avada Kedavra OnWe like shirts that send a message…and Avada Kedavra certainly does send a message. Drop dead. Tell the world how you really feel in this Harry Potter-inspired shirt.
United Beers of America
Posted by admin in Typographic tagged with Beer / Alcohol / Typography / Drink / America / United States / Usa / Road Trip / Map / Geography / State OnThere’s no doubt Americans are a patriotic lot. There’s also no doubt that Americans like their beer….mmmmm…..beer. Sweet, sweet beer. Finally you can celebrate your local lager and show your State spirit with the United Beers of America. Fishbiscuit gives us possibly the best map ever with this design featuring the map of […]
Sherlock Typography (Light Colors Ver.01)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Sherlock Holmes / Benedict Cumberbatch / Quote / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle / Typography / Sherlock OnI’m a Consulting Detective – the only one in the world. I invented this job. — Sherlock Holmes Typographic design in the shape Sherlock Holmes. Inspired by the world’s only consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.
Keep Calm and Finish Him
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic / Video Games tagged with Keep Calm / Propaganda / Mortal Kombat / Geek / Typography / British / Gaming / Wwii / Gamer / Fighting / Tekken / Fatality OnThe first rule of Fight Club might be Do not talk about Fight Club but the first rule of Mortal Kombat is Finish Him! The Ultimate t-shirt for fighting game fans! Mortal Kombat meets British WWII Keep Calm propaganda poster in this mortal mash-up.
Beatles feat. Dr.Who – Mash Up
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Tardis / The Beatles / Abbey Road / Parody / Music / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Geek / Gallifrey / Sci Fi / Nerd / Typography / British / England / Union Jack OnThe Beatles are undoubtedly one of the most famous and popular bands of all time. They were a musical sensation across the globe with Beatlemania sweeping the world. And did I mention that they were aliens? Yep, that’s right. They’re from an intergalactic race of alien bugs – The Beatles – who […]
Afraid of the Dark?
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Winchester / Gun / Typography / Supernatural / Sam Winchester / Dean Winchester / Impala / Non Timebo Mala / Peacemaker / Scorpion / Mandingo OnWere you ever one of those kids who was scared of the dark? Were you worried the bogie man was out to get you? Did you watch Friday the 13th at night and think Freddie Kruger was under the bed. Did you look into the mirror and say Candyman 4 […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with The Princess Bride / Iocane Powder / Typography / Man In Black / Poison / Wesley / Apothecary On-Inhale this, but do not touch. -I smell nothing -What you do not smell is iocane powder. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid and is among the most deadly poisons known to man. Man in Black Iocane Powder. It’s inconceivably good! Inspired by The Princess Bride.
Ewwwww McDonalds!
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic tagged with Parody / Typography / Logo / Humour / Mcdonalds / Corporate OnIf you’re not lovin’ it; if you believe that 100% ground beef means that the cow is going through the mincer hooves and all; if you’re concerned with the multi-national corporate influence this restaurant exhibits over the world; or if you just think that their food is, well, ewwww, then […]
Inception – A Peom Within a Totem Within a Shirt
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Sci Fi / Typography / Totem / Poem / Inception / Dream / Dream Within A Dream / Edgar Allan Poe OnInception. A fantastic movie about delving into the subconscious dream state to plant an idea so deeply in the target’s mind that they actually believe the idea to be their own. Based loosely on the Edgar Allen Poe poem Dream Within a Dream, Inception creates dream worlds so realistic that […]
Dear Karma
Posted by admin in Typographic tagged with Funny / Typography / Karma OnI’m sure you’ve heard of karma. Basically its the concept whereby your actions and deeds have a causal relationship on the happiness of your life. Many Hindus and Buddhists believe in karma. Earl Hickey found karma and wrote a list of people he wronged. Well you know what karma? I […]
Moss Quotes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with The IT Crowd / Moss / Quotes / Geeky / Geek / Milk / Funny / Nerd / Nerdy / Typography / British / Computer / Ram / Weird / Style / Maurice Moss OnWhen you think of IT guys, most people think of geeks. And none are geekier than the IT Crowd’s Maurice Moss. He may be geeky and he may be weird, but he knows his computers and you’ve just gotta love his sweet style. 8 Quotes from our favorite IT guy, […]
Firefly / Serenity Quotes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Jayne Cobb / Browncoat / Quotes / TV / Geek / River Tam / Joss Whedon / Wash / Sci Fi / Nerd / Typography / Mal Reynolds / Nathan Fillion On12 quotes from Firefly / Serenity done in classic Tom Trager style. Shiny!
Quotes From the Hellmouth
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Quotes / Buffy / Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Sunnydale / Spike / Xander / Faith / Willow / TV / Joss Whedon / Funny / Typography / Angel / Slayer / Vampire / Bunnies On25 quotes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer on one monstrous shirt. Grrr…Argh…