Beer Me Up Scotty
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Trek / Beer / Alcohol / Geek / Scotty / Party / Scifi / Drinking / Bar / St Patricks Day / St Pats / Beem Me Up / Transporter / Keg / Scottish OnSure the crew of the Enterprise worked hard, but they played hard too! A St. Patrick’s Day homage to Star Trek.
Klingon MotherF**ker Do You Speak It?!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Parody / Star Trek / Geek / Sci Fi / Funny / Mashup / Nerd / Science Fiction / Spock / Pulp Fiction / Samuel L Jackson OnSamuel L Jackson has played many roles. You’ve seen him as a hitman. You’ve seen him as a CGI superhero. You’ve seen him as an electronics store owner helping out a cop. You’ve even seen him as a private investigator helping amnesia chick regain her memories. Now see him as […]
I’m Geeky and I Know It
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Star Wars / Doctor Who / Nintendo / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Geeky / Back to the Future / Star Trek / Gandalf / Mario Bros / Sci Fi / Aliens / Portal / Link / The Legend Of Zelda / Computers / BTTF OnGeeks unite! Star Wars. Star Trek. Doctor Who. Computers. Science. Mario. Zelda. Aliens. Lord of the Rings. Too long have we hidden our love for such things for fear of the stigma attached to being a geek. No longer will we be picked on in school or in the workplace. […]
100% Sci-Fi Fan!
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / space / Robot / Doctor Who / Matrix / Alien / Time Travel / Machine / Back to the Future / Star Trek / Geek / Starship / Dune / Sci Fi / Nerd / Aliens / Blade Runner / Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy / Tron / Light Speed / 2001 / Terminator OnWhat do the following films/books/TV shows have in common: Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Blade Runner, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, Firefly/Serenity, Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. If you answered “They’re all awesome!!!” then you my friend are officially a Sci-Fi fan. 50% nerd, 50% geek, and […]
Star T-Rex
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Trek / Spock / Dinosaurs / T-Rex OnSpace, the dino-frontier. To boldly go where no dinosaur has gone before! Star Trek meets Dinosaurs in this prehistoric mash-up.
Star Trek: The Original Puff
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Trek / Geek / Nerd / Spock / Kirk / Bones / Trekkie / Powerpuff Girls OnEveryone’s favorite Powerpuff Girls – Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup – decided to get a makeover…into their favorite Star Trek characters. Powerpuff Girls meet Star Trek in this geeky mash-up.
The ABC’s of Fandom
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Harry Potter / Firefly / Star Wars / Predator / Game of Thrones / Lord of the Rings / Who / Buffy / X-Files / Indiana Jones / Star Trek / Hunger Games / Hello Kitty / Warcraft / Pokemon / Zelda / Transformers / Fandom / Abc / Battlestar / Jurrasic / Family Guy / Jaws / Merlin / Tron / Quantun Leap / Thundercats / Vendetta / Files / Legend Of Zelda OnHow well do you know your pop culture? From Sci-Fi series to Action movies, children’s cartoons to video games, cult movies to classic books, this design features the alphabet using letters from each of your favorite pop-culture fandoms. The ABC’s of Fandom. Something fun, a bit of a puzzle, and all kinds of […]
Fanboy – Star Trek
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Star Trek / Geek / Fanboy / Fangirl / Fandom OnHave you ever left the house in a Star Trek uniform? Have you said the words “Live long and prosper” in the past 24 hours? Can you speak Klingon? Have you ever bought one of William Shatner’s spoken word albums (because only a real Trekkie would do that!)? Are you the ultimate […]
Fangirl – Star Trek
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Star Trek / Geek / Fanboy / Fangirl / Fandom OnHave you ever left the house in a Star Trek uniform? Have you said the words “Live long and prosper” in the past 24 hours? Can you speak Klingon? Have you ever bought one of William Shatner’s spoken word albums (because only a real Trekkie would do that!)? Are you the ultimate Trekkie? For […]
Phaser: Set to Stun.
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Trek / Movie / Geek / Sci Fi / Nerd / Phaser / Stun OnAre you tired of getting into dangerous shoot-outs only to find your phaser is on the wrong setting? Do you get confused by the complexity of our competitors phasers? Does your current phaser have sulphurous settings that you never use like maim, pins and needles, remove apendage or Chuck Norris? If […]
Spock Prime the Trek Former
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky / Video Games tagged with space / Star Trek / Enterprise / Spock / Humor / Transformers / Rodimus Prime / Leonard Nimoy / Phaser / Starfleet / Federation / USS Enterprise OnHow much cooler would Star Trek have been if – when in battle – the USS Enterprise could transform into a big-ass robot? Oh, yeah. It’s life Jim, but not as we know it…because we’re sitting in it. Name: Spock Prime Function: Starfleet Supreme Commander Weapon: Phaser Rifle Allegiance: Federation […]
Ultimate Super Nerdy Emblem
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Dalek / Doctor Who / Nintendo / Tardis / Geeky / 8-bit / Star Trek / NES / Nerdy / Mario / Space Invaders / Emblem / Pokemon / Zelda / Pac Man / Stromtrooper / Usb / Glasses / Atari / Snes / Super Mario OnAs I’ve gotten older, I’ve turned somewhat into Grandpa Simpson: I used to be with it, but then they changed what “it” was. Now, what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me. And for this reason I find designs like the Ultimate Super Nerdy […]
Objects in Space
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / space / Doctor Who / Futurama / Battlestar Galactica / Star Trek / Spaceballs / Sci Fi / Science Fiction / Asteroids / Space Invaders OnSpace is filled with many objects – stars, moons, comets, black holes and various debris left from satellites and moon missions. It’s also FULL of spaceships. If you’re a Sci-Fi fan, then this right here is nerdvana. This design features 18 ships from your favorite movies, TV shows and video games. […]
It’s Not Easy Being Geek
Posted by admin in Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / Doctor Who / Parody / Kermit the Frog / Star Trek / Hat / Muppets / Geek / Light Saber / Sci Fi / Funny / Nerd / Spock OnWhen geek is all there is to be It could make you wonder why But why wonder why wonder I am geek, and it’ll do fine It’s beautiful, and I think it’s what I want to be Referencing Star Wars, Firefly / Serenity, Star Trek, Doctor Who in this parody […]
Scotty’s Starship Repair Shop
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Repair / Star Trek / Next Generation / Enterprise / Scotty / Starship / Shop / Montgomery Scott / Engineer / Beam me up OnSome people slip idly into retirement, but not Scotty. No, Montgomery Scott realized he can give more…and has swapped the USS Enterprise for private enterprise. Whether you need dilithium crystals realigned or your warp engine fixed, Scotty’s Starship Repair Shop boasts miracles on a deadline – best service guaranteed. Because […]
Boldly Go
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Board Game / Monopoly / Star Trek / Next Generation / Enterprise / Original / Captain Picard OnI’ve long since given up playing Monopoly, partly due to the fact I haven’t won a game in 20 years and partially due to the tireless arguments surrounding who would be which piece. Imagine then the arguments then if Chuffy’s Boldly Go design were an actual version of Monopoly…each player […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Doctor Who / Futurama / Doogie Howser / Back to the Future / Ghostbusters / Dr Dre / Indiana Jones / Head / Dr Horrible / Simon Tam / Dr Otto Octavius / Spiderman / Doc Brown / Leonard "Bones" McCoy / Star Trek / Manhatten / Peter Venkman / Sheldon Cooper / Big Bang Theory / Marvel Comics / Jar OnDid somebody call a doctor? Though their specializations may be different – medical, paranormal, archological, time-traveler, inventor, physisist, musician, villian – each of these men were renowned Doctors in their own time. But now in the not-to-distant future, they are simply funny heads in jars reliant upon fish-food and incapable […]