Earthling Invaders
Posted by admin in Video Games tagged with Alien / Retro / Space Invaders / Gamer OnRemember folks, we are not alone AND they are more scared of us as we are of them. Role reversal of the classic arcade game, Space Invaders.
Retro Wizard
Posted by admin in Geeky / Video Games tagged with Super Mario Bros / Nintendo / Gameboy / Console / 8-bit / 80s / Geek / Pacman / NES / Space Invaders / Zelda / Video Game / Link / Gamer / Xbox / Wii / Playstation / Gamecube / The Wizard / Wizards / Retro Gaming / Ds / Adventure Island OnIf you spent your formative years in front of a console helping a plumber save a princess, saving the world from space invaders, adventuring around Hyrule, helping a yellow dot eat power pellets and ghosts, or just gaming in full 8-bit glory, then you my friend are officially a retro […]
Ultimate Super Nerdy Emblem
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Dalek / Doctor Who / Nintendo / Tardis / Geeky / 8-bit / Star Trek / NES / Nerdy / Mario / Space Invaders / Emblem / Pokemon / Zelda / Pac Man / Stromtrooper / Usb / Glasses / Atari / Snes / Super Mario OnAs I’ve gotten older, I’ve turned somewhat into Grandpa Simpson: I used to be with it, but then they changed what “it” was. Now, what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me. And for this reason I find designs like the Ultimate Super Nerdy […]
Objects in Space
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / space / Doctor Who / Futurama / Battlestar Galactica / Star Trek / Spaceballs / Sci Fi / Science Fiction / Asteroids / Space Invaders OnSpace is filled with many objects – stars, moons, comets, black holes and various debris left from satellites and moon missions. It’s also FULL of spaceships. If you’re a Sci-Fi fan, then this right here is nerdvana. This design features 18 ships from your favorite movies, TV shows and video games. […]