Dandylion Flight
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Silhouette / Dandelion / Flying / People OnYou may have to find a dandelion the size of a skyscraper, risk certain death and be happy to go wherever the wind takes you, but hey, it’s still easier than dealing with airline security.
The TaRDiS of Silly Walks (White)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Matt Smith / David Tennant / Monty Python / Whovian / John Cleese / Ministry of Silly Walks / Silhouette / British / Christopher Eccleston / Silly Walk OnTravelling through time and space – even with a companion – you’re bound to pick up an odd habit or two. Maybe it’s talking to yourself. Maybe it’s answering yourself. Or maybe, it’s a silly walk. Because what better way is there to mock a race of aliens intent on […]
Zombie Killing Dream Team
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games / Miscellaneous tagged with Shaun of the Dead / Zombie / Silhouette / Evil Dead / The Walking Dead / Resident Evil OnWhen it comes to a Zombie Apocalypse, there’s probably only a handful of people in the world who know what to do. And when that fateful day comes when Zombies rise up and take over the Earth, you’ll want these guys by your side. Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead), Ash Williams […]
Day of the Daleks
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Whovian / Daleks / Ruins / Silhouette / Sun OnThe Daleks have had it tough. All but exterminated during the Time Wars; for generations they couldn’t get upstairs, and always, always being thwarted by the Doctor just when victory was at hand. Well finally it is the Day of the Daleks. They came. They conquered. They exterminated…and all before dinner! […]