Please Recycle
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Parody / Recycle / Superhero / DC Comics / Aquaman OnLet’s face it, Aquaman was never really in the same league as other superheroes. Spiders, Bats, Ninja Turtles – cool animals. But c’mon, who really wants a fish-inspired superhero? Ooohhh…we’re being attacked by a diabolical evil genius…let’s call a fish to save us. I think not. No matter your personal feelings […]
Please Recycle
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Recycle / Pets / PETA / Eating / Tasty / Animals / Fightclub / Sticker OnWe at Tshirt Roundup are big supporters of PETA. Not the self-rightous fundamentalist animal-rights group, but rather the People for Eating Tasty Animals. Support PETA by Recycling your pets. Tasty tips and recipes for recycling your pet include Turtle Tacos, Moggie Meatloaf, Canary Cataloni, Hot Dogs and eating at McDonalds […]