South Parks and Rec
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with South Park / Pig / Bacon / Ron Swanson / Parks And Recreation / Eric Cartman OnBacon. Sausage. Turkey. Beef. Cheesy Poofs. He loves them all. He has a mustache. He has a pig called Fluffy. He is the lovechild of the Ron Swanson, the Denver Broncos and South Park’s resident slut, Liane Cartman. He is Ron Cartman, and he can do what he wants! Respect his […]
Super Bacon
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Pig / Bacon / Superman / Clark Kent OnLook, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s….a flying pig? Finally the world has proof that pigs can fly…in all their tasty bacon glory.
Bacon: The Pork Knight Returns
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Parody / Hero / Comic / Superhero / Funny / Pig / Bacon / Batman / Dark Knight / Dark Knight Returns OnAfter years of retirement, the Pork Knight returns, to keep the streets of Goth-Ham safe. Bacon and Batman in one tasty mash-up.
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Spiderman / Marvel Comics / Movie / The Simpsons / Spider / Pig / Spiderpig / Bacon OnSpider Pig, Spider Pig Does whatever a Spider Pig does Can he spin a web? No he can’t Because he is a Spider Pig Bacon meets Spiderman in this Simpsons-inspired mash-up.