Obey The Silence
There is no HOPE. You need not OBEY. Because you will FORGET. There will be only SILENCE. Doctor Who nemesis The Silence meets the iconic pop-culture Obey poster.
By now you’re all-too-familiar with the iconic Obey posters. Designer Brinkerhoff gives us a clever new interpretation using South Park’s Mr Mackey and his catch-phrase, mkay. Remember kids, swearing is bad, mmmkay? Instead of ass, say buns. Like kiss my buns or you’re a buns-hole! It’s easy, mmmmkay? South Park meets […]
OBEY Storm Trooper
Because you should always obey an armed Imperial Stormtrooper…unless of course you can use Jedi mind tricks on them. These are not the droids you are looking for. Star Wars meets the iconic pop-culture Obey poster.
Obey Ackbar’s Trap
As seen slapped on the streets of L.A., Fresno, London, Manchester and Singapore. You need to OBEY Ackbar’s Trap. Lando and Nien Nunb did, which then led Rebels to victory by destroying the Death Star and with it, the Empire.