Fate of a Ninja Snowman
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Christmas / Winter / Snowman / Ninja / Funny / Snow / Cold / Ninja Star / Snowflake / Stealth / Hidden / Snowing OnThey are a breed of warrior more stealthy than a Japanese ninja; more deadly that a bullet; and more cunning than a starving uni student at a buffet. They are the League of Ninja Snowmen. You don’t see them, these slushy assassins. You go inside to escape the storm, and […]
Ninja Starry Night
Posted by admin in Miscellaneous tagged with Ninja / Stars / Fine Art / Starry Night / Sky / Van Gogh / Ninja Star OnIt’s fair to say that despite being virtually shunned in his own time Vincent Van Gogh has had a huge influence on 20th Century art. Yet how differently would the world see his artwork if instead of looking out of his window and seeing sunflowers and stars he saw Ninjas […]