A Pixel of My Childhood
Posted by admin in Geeky / Video Games tagged with Nintendo / Sega / Geeky / Gameboy / 8-bit / NES / Nerdy / Gaming / Video Games / Atari / Controller / Pixels OnIt’s easy to get nostalgic about the 8-bit pixellated glory that was the video games your childhood.
1 Shell 2 Shell
Posted by admin in Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Nintendo / Geeky / Dr Seuss / Mario Kart / Nerdy / Mario / Gaming / Video Games OnWe like the bike! We heart the cart! We sling bananas like Warhol art. Blue is the shell and white is the spike That nukes the cart and fries the bike. Heat-seeking, foe-freaking, wondrous red shells won’t ricochet like a green bat out of hell! I do not like Goombas, […]
Wizards Rule
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Geek / Gandalf / The Hobbit / Nerdy / Fantasy / Wand / Staff OnLord of the Rings. The Hobbit. Harry Potter. Legend of the Seeker. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Princess Bride. Willow. Big Trouble in Little China. What do these great books, movies and TV shows have in common? Wizards. Gandalf. Harry Potter. Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander. Tim the Enchanter. Miracle […]
Ultimate Super Nerdy Emblem
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Dalek / Doctor Who / Nintendo / Tardis / Geeky / 8-bit / Star Trek / NES / Nerdy / Mario / Space Invaders / Emblem / Pokemon / Zelda / Pac Man / Stromtrooper / Usb / Glasses / Atari / Snes / Super Mario OnAs I’ve gotten older, I’ve turned somewhat into Grandpa Simpson: I used to be with it, but then they changed what “it” was. Now, what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me. And for this reason I find designs like the Ultimate Super Nerdy […]
HTML Ninja Code
Posted by admin in Typographic / Geeky tagged with Geek / Ninja / Funny / Nerdy / Code / Coding / Html / CSS OnAh…finally a tee for all the code monkeys out there. While a more appropriate title would have been CSS Ninja Code, this design written in the style of CSS describes a ninja pretty accurately – they’re black and they’re hidden. So next time you’re designing a site for I client, […]
Moss Quotes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with The IT Crowd / Moss / Quotes / Geeky / Geek / Milk / Funny / Nerd / Nerdy / Typography / British / Computer / Ram / Weird / Style / Maurice Moss OnWhen you think of IT guys, most people think of geeks. And none are geekier than the IT Crowd’s Maurice Moss. He may be geeky and he may be weird, but he knows his computers and you’ve just gotta love his sweet style. 8 Quotes from our favorite IT guy, […]
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Geek / Comics / Heroes / Comic Book / Cool / Villains / Nerdy / Awesome OnSurrounded by simpletons, fools and idealistic dreamers, a misunderstood genius rises: seeking to create a new order where intelligence and force of will are the new power, and that power is absolute. Show your strength and dedication to forging a new world, no matter the consequences with this design showcasing […]