Was It Something I Ate?
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with Alien / Lego / Sci Fi / Funny / Aliens / Prometheus / Ridley Scott / Horror / Chest Burster / Brick / Face Hugger / Minifig OnLego meets Aliens in this chest bursting mash-up.
To brick or not to brick
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Lego / Skull / Cartoon / Toys / Brick / Shakespeare / Minifig / Hamlet / Soliloquy / William Shakespeare OnTo brick, or not to brick: that is the question: Whether to partake in building with siblings And endure perceived construction grievances and woe, Or solitarily philosophize reality Through the imagination that it brings? To live: to brick; William Shakespeare’s Hamlet meets Lego in this mash-up.