W&W’s Crystal Blue Candy
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Breaking Bad / Walter White / Mars / Heisenberg / M Ms / Candy / M&M OnI remember when they first introduced Blue M&Ms. I remember thinking they tasted better, tasted more vibrant. My parents insisted they were exactly the same as the other colors, but I knew better…and I was right! With 99.1% sugar and 0.9% Crystal Meth, you get more than just a sugar […]
Curiosity Killed the Cat
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Cat / Nasa / Kitty / Mars / Rover / Curiosity OnWe’ve all heard the saying the Curiosity Killed the Cat. Well, now finally animal rights fundamentalist group PETA has someone other than the ill-fated moggy to blame – NASA. That’s right, the institution that put man into space, that put man on the moon, and is now taking the first steps into exploring […]