100% Sci-Fi Fan!
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / space / Robot / Doctor Who / Matrix / Alien / Time Travel / Machine / Back to the Future / Star Trek / Geek / Starship / Dune / Sci Fi / Nerd / Aliens / Blade Runner / Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy / Tron / Light Speed / 2001 / Terminator OnWhat do the following films/books/TV shows have in common: Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Blade Runner, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, Firefly/Serenity, Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. If you answered “They’re all awesome!!!” then you my friend are officially a Sci-Fi fan. 50% nerd, 50% geek, and […]
Vitruvian Machine
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Dalek / R2-D2 / Da Vinci / Vitruvian Man / Robots / Cylon / Voltron / Sentinel / Optimus Prime / C-3P0 / Cyberman / Cyborg / Machine OnBased on Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, this shows 40+ robots, cyborgs & machines from pop culture. _1. BATTLE DROID _10. BENDER _11. BRAINIAC _100. BUBO _101. C-3PO _110. CYBERMAN _111. CYLON _1000. DALEK _1001. DATA _1010. D.A.R.Y.L. _1011. ED-209 _1100. FEMBOT _1101. GERTY _1110. GIANT ROBOT _1111. GORT _10000. GUNSLINGER […]