Now Panic and Freak Out
Posted by admin in Typographic tagged with Parody / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Carry On / Poster / Britain / Uk / United Kingdom / Now Panic And Freak Out OnNow Panic and Freak Out. Sound advise for anyone not wishing to Keep Calm and Carry On. Inspired by the British wartime Keep Calm and Carry On propaganda posters.
Keep Count and Shoot First
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / The Silence / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Whovian / British / Typographic OnThe original Keep Calm and Carry On propaganda posters were created to provide guidance to British citizens should Germany invade. Yet the war has passed and times have changed. Britain – and the world at large – faces new threats. Extraterritorial threats. Silent threats. The Silence, so named because they move among […]
I still believe in Heroes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Keep Calm / Quote / Superhero / Comic Book / The Avengers / Nick Fury OnKeep Calm and Carry On is the advice wartime Britain gave to its citizens should the Germans have invaded. The same advice holds true today should the world face an intergalactic force led by Loki set on causing mass destruction to the Earth…that is of course, if you believe in heroes. Do […]
Keep Calm and Finish Him
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic / Video Games tagged with Keep Calm / Propaganda / Mortal Kombat / Geek / Typography / British / Gaming / Wwii / Gamer / Fighting / Tekken / Fatality OnThe first rule of Fight Club might be Do not talk about Fight Club but the first rule of Mortal Kombat is Finish Him! The Ultimate t-shirt for fighting game fans! Mortal Kombat meets British WWII Keep Calm propaganda poster in this mortal mash-up.
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Keep Calm / Quote / Marvel Comics / Superhero / Video Games / Hulk / The Avengers / Bruce Banner / Offensive OnWhile Keep Calm and Carry On is all good and well if you’re an average Joe scared for you life in war-time England, how relevant is that message these days? No, Always Angry and Smashing S#!t does seem a lot more appropriate in these times when someone taking your carpark can […]
Beatles feat. Dr.Who – Mash Up
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Tardis / The Beatles / Abbey Road / Parody / Music / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Geek / Gallifrey / Sci Fi / Nerd / Typography / British / England / Union Jack OnThe Beatles are undoubtedly one of the most famous and popular bands of all time. They were a musical sensation across the globe with Beatlemania sweeping the world. And did I mention that they were aliens? Yep, that’s right. They’re from an intergalactic race of alien bugs – The Beatles – who […]
Time can be rewritten
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Poster / British OnThere’s never really any need to panic if you’re a time lord because time can be rewritten. Iconic British wartime propaganda Keep Calm poster meets Doctor Who in this British mash-up.
Moss Keep Calm And Call
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Keep Calm / The IT Crowd / Moss / Slogan / Poster / Funny OnRemember all you Brits out there: the emergency services number has changed. So when accidently start a fire by leaving your soldering iron on, don’t panic (and don’t turn it into a realistic looking screen-saver). Keep Calm and Call 0118-999-881-99-9119-725-3.
Trust Me I’m The Doctor
Posted by admin in Typographic / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Quote / Geek / Science Fiction / A Good Man Goes To War OnBecause if you can’t trust the Doctor, who can you trust? Doctor Who quote “Trust Me I’m the Doctor” done in the style of the British war-time Keep Calm propaganda poster.
Keep Calm and Meep Meep
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with The Muppets / Keep Calm / Poster / Beaker / Meep OnMeep meep meep meep meep. Very sound advice for all of us. I couldn’t have said it better myself. The iconic British wartime Keep Calm and Carry On propaganda poster meets the Muppets in this mash-up.
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Sherlock Holmes / Keep Calm / Poster / Wrong / Sherlock / BBC / British OnIt may be Mycroft Holmes who toils for Queen and Country, but when Buckingham Palace needs to recover compromising photos of a royal, it’s Sherlock Holmes they consult. The iconic British war-time Keep Calm and Carry on poster meets Sherlock Holmes in this distinctly British mash-up.
Born To Kill
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Stormtrooper / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Full Metal Jacket / British OnBecause sometimes wearing a Stormtrooper uniform and firing laser-guns at your enemy just doesn’t get the message across. Or maybe its just something to wear on your days off. Star Wars meets Full Metal Jacket done in the style of the British Wartime Keep Calm propaganda posters.
Keep Calm and Build On
Posted by admin in Typographic tagged with Keep Calm / Propaganda / Lego / Poster / Build On OnNuclear Fallout? Zombie Apocalypse? Alien Invasion? Great Aunty visiting? As long as you’ve got enough four-pieces, nothing else matters – Keep Calm and Build On. Inspired by the British war-time Carry On propaganda posters and iconic childhood toy, Lego.
Calm You Shall Keep
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Star Wars / Keep Calm / Yoda / Carry On / Jedi OnJedi master Yoda has always had unique phraseology, or should I say Unique phraseology Jedi master Yoda has – third-person passive tense he must use. Mmmm. Trouble should you find yourself in, calm you shall keep. And carry on you must. Yes, Hmmm. Star Wars Jedi master Yoda meets the […]
Damage My Calm
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Jayne Cobb / Keep Calm / Hat / Carry On OnThe original Keep Calm and Carry On posters were devised to bring order to Britain in case of invasion. In much the same way, Jayne Cobb brings calm to the ‘verse in his own unique style…with a hat that tells people he ain’t afraid of anything and a big-ass gun […]
Keep Calm And Walk Silly
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Monty Python / Keep Calm / Flying Circus / Silly / John Cleese / Ministry of Silly Walks OnWar-time England’s Ministry of Information had the iconic “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters should England have been invaded. Now Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks has their own poster in case of emergency – “Keep Calm and Walk Silly”. Whether you goose-step, shuffle, hop, skip, bop or twirl – […]
Keep Flying And Stay Shiny
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Shiny / Keep Calm / Browncoat OnGood advice if you’re heading out to the black. As long as you’ve got an effervescent mechanic to keep the crate running, a pilot to keep her in the sky, a warrior-women first-mate for smuggling, a thug for “public relations”, a doc, a crazy girl, a preacher and a companion, […]
Keep Calm and Destroy the Ring
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Lord of the Rings / Parody / Keep Calm / LOTR / Ring / Propaganda / Frodo Baggins OnReally, what can one do when fleeing Nazgul, Orcs, Uruk-hai, Ring-wraiths and the all-seeing eye of Sauron? Keep Calm and Destroy the Ring. Sound advice for all those on a perilous mission into Mordor to destroy the ring of power. Lord of the Rings parody of the old Brittish “Keep […]