Pikachu Jones
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with Nintendo / Indiana Jones / Movie / Pokemon / Video Games / Pikachu / Adventure / Action / Dr Jones / Harrison Ford / Card Game OnWith the ink still wet on the contract selling Star Wars to Disney, George Lucas has endeavoured to reboot the Indiana Jones franchise through a merger with Nintendo. Indiana Jones meets Pokémon in this adventurous mash-up.
Double O Negative
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Indiana Jones / James Bond / The Goonies / Data / 007 OnBond. James Bond. 007. We all know him. Cool. Suave. Calm under pressure. Super spy extraordinaire. So why does his latest mission have him targeting Data, the 12 year old child-inventor from the Goonies? Terrorism. With multiple IBDs upon his person – both improvised boxing devices and improvised biting devices – […]
Horcruxes of the Dark Lord
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Horcrux / Indiana Jones / Book / Horcruxes / Deathly Hallows / Albus Dumbledore / Death Eaters / Raiders of the Lost Arc OnBoy-Wizard and adventurer Harry Potter is hired by the late Albus Dumbledore to find the Horcruxes of Lord Voldemort before the Death Eaters. Harry Potter meets Indiana Jones in this adventure mash-up.
8 Bit Indy
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky / Video Games tagged with 8-bit / Indiana Jones / Atari / Video Game / Raiders Of The Lost Ark / Temple Of Doom / Crystal Skull / Pitfall / Last Crusade OnBefore there was X-box, Wii and Playstation, there was Atari. Some would argue it was a pioneer for later consoles, while others would argues it was just plain crappy. In any case, one of the best games the Atari had was Pitfall, in all its 8-bit gaming glory. Warbucks360 gives […]
The ABC’s of Fandom
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Harry Potter / Firefly / Star Wars / Predator / Game of Thrones / Lord of the Rings / Who / Buffy / X-Files / Indiana Jones / Star Trek / Hunger Games / Hello Kitty / Warcraft / Pokemon / Zelda / Transformers / Fandom / Abc / Battlestar / Jurrasic / Family Guy / Jaws / Merlin / Tron / Quantun Leap / Thundercats / Vendetta / Files / Legend Of Zelda OnHow well do you know your pop culture? From Sci-Fi series to Action movies, children’s cartoons to video games, cult movies to classic books, this design features the alphabet using letters from each of your favorite pop-culture fandoms. The ABC’s of Fandom. Something fun, a bit of a puzzle, and all kinds of […]
Big Red Balls of Doom
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Indiana Jones / Adventure / Archaeologist / Wipeout / Adventurer OnIndiana Jones was a childhood hero to many, with adventures to find the Holy Grail and through the Temple of Doom. And then came the Crystal Skulls. Indiana Jones came into contact with aliens, and with that the childhood memories of our hero were ruined. (South Park summed this up […]
12th Doctor Audition
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Doctor Who / Futurama / Indiana Jones / Doctor / Lost / Geek / Zoidberg / Fringe / Walter Bishop / 11th / 12th / Robotnik / Claw / Jack Shepard / Doom / Octopus / Venture / Bros Brothers / Dorian / Zaius / Heads / Pepper / Hannibal Lector / Dr. Robotnik / Dr Evil / Dr Teeth / Scrubs / J.D. OnThe casting call is out and we need a new Doctor to man the TARDIS and save the world. So you think you’ve got what it takes to be the next Doctor Who? Well so do the other, more experienced, Doctor wannabees. Every Doctor has his day but Who is next? […]
Recommended Reading
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Back to the Future / Ghostbusters / Indiana Jones / Peter Venkman / Hermione Granger / Samwise Gamgee / Marty McFly / Books / Shelf OnI love a good read. Some of my favorite series are Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I read almost anything as long as it’s not crap fiction about vampires that sparkle. I also love a good movie. Again, some of my all-time favorites are Indiana Jones, Back to […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Doctor Who / Futurama / Doogie Howser / Back to the Future / Ghostbusters / Dr Dre / Indiana Jones / Head / Dr Horrible / Simon Tam / Dr Otto Octavius / Spiderman / Doc Brown / Leonard "Bones" McCoy / Star Trek / Manhatten / Peter Venkman / Sheldon Cooper / Big Bang Theory / Marvel Comics / Jar OnDid somebody call a doctor? Though their specializations may be different – medical, paranormal, archological, time-traveler, inventor, physisist, musician, villian – each of these men were renowned Doctors in their own time. But now in the not-to-distant future, they are simply funny heads in jars reliant upon fish-food and incapable […]