Hogwarts College Gryffindor 1997 Quidditch cup winners
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Hufflepuff / Ravenclaw / Slytherin / Gryffindor / Seeker / Hogwarts / Muggle / Voldemort / Dumbledore / Geek / Wizard / Cartoon / Retro / Vintage / Graphic / Broom / Cool / Typography / Moon / Vector / Cute / College / Deathly Hallows / Snitch / Chaser / Beater / Keeper / Sport / Witch / Spoof / Broomstick / Sports / Bomdesignz / Academy / Team / Jersey / Quaffle / Bludger / Abercrombie / Weasley / Half Blood / Prince / University / Hogwarts College OnWhat with the rise of the Dark Lord, the death of Dumbledore, and the takeover of Hogwarts by Umbridge and her cronies, 1997 was the last known year that Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup. Inspired by Harry Potter.
Four Classmates
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Hufflepuff / Badger / Ravenclaw / Slytherin / Gryffindor / Lion / Raven / Book / Snake / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry / Houses OnWe all know our Harry Potter trivia. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with its four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin. A million points to whichever house beat up Diggory and stops him from doing Twilight.
Hidden Lord
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Muggle / Voldemort / Dumbledore / Magic / Broom / Glasses / Wand / Hermione / Ron / Scar / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry / Owl / Boy Who Lived OnWe all know of “He Who Must Not Be Named” and finally we have a t-shirt to reveal his true powers. This magical tee has a fantastic design on it’s own but when pinched and folded upward, it magically reveals…“HIM!” Whether you’re a wizard or a muggle, this shirt will […]
The Wizard’s Apprentice
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Wizard / Disney / Pop Culture / Patronus / Fantasia / Bambi / Magicians Apprentice / Nimbus OnHarry Potter meets Disney’s Fantasia in this magical mash-up.
My Patronus is a Bat
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Superhero / Batman / Bat / Cape / Patronus / Expecto Patronum / The Dark Knight OnThere’s something to be said for being a wizard. As muggles, when we’re in danger we have to shine a giant spotlight with the bat symbol in the sky and wait for Batman to rescue us. Wouldn’t it be so much easier just to pull out a wand, chant Expecto […]
The Alliance of Magicians
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Star Wars / Lord of the Rings / Parody / LOTR / Arrested Development / Bluth / Gob Bluth / Voldemort / Geek / Wizard / Magic / Big Trouble in Little China / Obi-Wan Kenobi / Gandalf / Fantasy / Lo Pan OnDo not mistake them for conjurers of cheap tricks. The Alliance of Magicians demands to be taken seriously, and as such, Gob has brought some heavy hitters to the Alliance. Gandalf, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lo-Pan. Lord Voldemort. The creme de la creme of magicians and illusionists. These magic masters will however, […]
Horcruxes of the Dark Lord
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Horcrux / Indiana Jones / Book / Horcruxes / Deathly Hallows / Albus Dumbledore / Death Eaters / Raiders of the Lost Arc OnBoy-Wizard and adventurer Harry Potter is hired by the late Albus Dumbledore to find the Horcruxes of Lord Voldemort before the Death Eaters. Harry Potter meets Indiana Jones in this adventure mash-up.
Men of Scarves
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Tom Baker / Sherlock Holmes / Benedict Cumberbatch / Brewery / Beer / Alcohol / Beer Label / Sherlock / British / Daniel Radcliffe OnBow ties may be cool, but scarves are for real men! Sherlock. Doctor Who. Harry Potter. They’re brilliant. They’re British (well, honorarily British in the case of the Fourth Doctor Who). And they wear scarves. Whether worn as part of their school uniform, to dress for the weather, or just […]
Weasley Is Our King 2
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire / ASOIAF / Parody / GoT / Ron Weasley / HP OnWe all know that running a kingdom is like a game of chess – Chess of Thrones taught us that. So if a King needs all the same attributes as a chess Grand-master, it stands to reason that an experienced chess player should possess the qualities to be king. Enter Ronald Weasley: King […]
Avada Kedavra!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Voldemort / Geek / Sci Fi / Book / Typography / Fantasy / Spell / Avada Kedavra OnWe like shirts that send a message…and Avada Kedavra certainly does send a message. Drop dead. Tell the world how you really feel in this Harry Potter-inspired shirt.
Harry Potter Spells List – Text Crest
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Hufflepuff / Badger / Ravenclaw / Eagle / Slytherin / Serpent / Gryffindor / Lion / Hogwarts / Spells / School / Crest / Wizard / Witchcraft / Magic / Typographic / Hogwarts Crest OnAttention muggles! Stupefy. Lumos. Reducto. Wingardium Levosia. How many spells do you know from the world of Harry Potter? Well know you can know them all! If you’re a Harry Potter fan, you’re sure to love this design featuring all the spells, charms and incantations from the Harry Potter series in the […]
Posted by admin in Geeky / Video Games tagged with Harry Potter / Horcrux / Operation / Board Game / Hasbro / Voldemort / The Boy Who Lived OnAnyone can pull out a leg bone or a foot, and while it takes a bit more skill to perform open heart surgery, it’s certainly possible. Yet performing surgery on Dark Lords is infinitely harder – removing diadems, lifting lockets, snatching snakes, and rescuing rings. Not only do you have to try […]
Beatles feat. Dr.Who – Mash Up
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Tardis / The Beatles / Abbey Road / Parody / Music / Keep Calm / Propaganda / Geek / Gallifrey / Sci Fi / Nerd / Typography / British / England / Union Jack OnThe Beatles are undoubtedly one of the most famous and popular bands of all time. They were a musical sensation across the globe with Beatlemania sweeping the world. And did I mention that they were aliens? Yep, that’s right. They’re from an intergalactic race of alien bugs – The Beatles – who […]
Fairy Odd Potter
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Cartoon / Fairly Odd Parents OnA child who receives two fairy godparents who live in a magical castle in a fishbowl mashed up with a parent-less child with a magical godfather who goes to live in a magical castle. How could we resist? Fairly Odd Parents meets Harry Potter in this mash-up.
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Muggle / Wizard / Disney / Disneyland / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry OnThis is a mash-up for all you wizard fans and a well know theme park. Disneyland may be a Magical Kingdom for muggles, but Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a Magical School. Wizneyland – the most magical place on Earth. Harry Potter meets Disneyland in this magical mash-up.
The ABC’s of Fandom
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Harry Potter / Firefly / Star Wars / Predator / Game of Thrones / Lord of the Rings / Who / Buffy / X-Files / Indiana Jones / Star Trek / Hunger Games / Hello Kitty / Warcraft / Pokemon / Zelda / Transformers / Fandom / Abc / Battlestar / Jurrasic / Family Guy / Jaws / Merlin / Tron / Quantun Leap / Thundercats / Vendetta / Files / Legend Of Zelda OnHow well do you know your pop culture? From Sci-Fi series to Action movies, children’s cartoons to video games, cult movies to classic books, this design features the alphabet using letters from each of your favorite pop-culture fandoms. The ABC’s of Fandom. Something fun, a bit of a puzzle, and all kinds of […]
Fanboy – Harry Potter
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Geek / Fanboy / Fangirl / Fandom OnHave you read Harry Potter so many times you can quote it verbatim? Do you worship J.K. Rowling as a demigod? Have you organised your own quidditch competitions? Are you Harry Potter’s biggest fan? For all of Harry Potter’s male fans… Part of robotrobotROBOT’s fanboy/fangirl movie series.
Fangirl – Harry Potter
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Geek / Fanboy / Fangirl / Fandom OnHave you read Harry Potter so many times you can quote it verbatim? Do you worship J.K. Rowling as a demigod? Have you organised your own quidditch competitions? Are you Harry Potter’s biggest fan? For all of Harry Potter’s female fans… Part of robotrobotROBOT’s fanboy/fangirl movie series.
Flourish & Blotts of Diagon Alley Harry Potter
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Books / Diagon Alley / Flourish & Blotts OnEverybody knows that if you need magical items you go to Diagon Alley. And if you need books, you go to Flourish & Blotts. Spell Books, potion books, magical history books, carnivorous books, invisible books, wizard biographies – you name it, they’ve got it. So if you’re in the market for some […]
Wizard Whimsy
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Golden Snitch / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary / Icons / Dragon / Scarf / Wand / Snake / Hogwarts Express / Castle / Quiddtich / Lightening OnWhen you think of the Harry Potter wizarding world, there are a number of iconic reference that immediately come to mind – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary, Quidditch, Harry’s Lightening Scar, Wands, the Hogwarts Express – all of which are represented in Zomboy’s latest design, Wizard Whimsy. Focusing on […]
Planet of the Snapes!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Planet of the Apes / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary / Severus Snape OnJ.K. Rowling’s latest Harry Potter installment really isn’t living up to the previous books… Fresh from finding all the horocruxes and defeating Voldemort, Harry, Ron and Hermoine have an unexpected misadventure in the floo network and come out only to find all witches and wizards have disappeared and that the […]
National Quidditch Association (NQA)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Seeker / Corporate Logo / Snitch / NBA / Major League Baseball / Chaser / Beater / Keeper OnOK, kids. You could dream of playing a common sport like basketball or baseball at a national level, but isn’t that too easy? C’mon, basketball has one ball; one hoop; and what’s your air time, like 2 seconds? And baseball, its got one bat and one ball, and where is […]
H.P. (Potter & E.T. Mashup)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Hogwarts / Parody / Alien / Geek / ET OnInspired by the iconic scene in E.T. where Elliott is riding his bike through the air with E.T. in the basket against the backdrop of the moon, H.P. gives us the silhouette of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Harry Potter flying his Nimbus 2000 across the face of […]
Floo Network
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Harry Potter / Hogwarts / Muggle / Wizard / Magic / Corporate Logo / Floo Network / Underground OnHarry Potter fans will no doubt be familiar with the Floo Network – the network of connected fireplaces Witches and Wizards use to travel quickly and conveniently around the wizarding world. Just like the tube, but quick and convenient. The London Underground meets the Floo Network in this corporate logo […]