Hard Days Knights (Baratheon shirt)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic tagged with Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire / ASOIAF / Baratheon / The Beatles / Music / Typographic / GoT OnKing Robert Baratheon…truly a Hard Days Knight. Game of Thrones meets the Beatles in this musical parody.
Danger Ahead
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Lion / Game of Thrones / Baratheon / Lannister / Stark / Targaryen / Winterfell / Book / Dragon / Dragons / Khaleesi / Deer / GoT / Warning Sign / Road Signs / Stag / Lions OnWesteros can be a dangerous place. It’s a good thing there are warning signs about to warn of the oncoming dangers. Featuring the emblems of some of the great houses from Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire as road signs.
Chess of Thrones
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire / Baratheon / Lannister / Stark / Chess / Westeros / Winterfell / Book / Castle / Kingdoms / Tyrion / Castle Black / Nights Watch OnRuling a kingdom is like a game of chess. It is a game of strategy, nerve, and when opposed, brutality. Chess of Thrones by Zomboy features the chess pieces as inspired by their Game of Thrones counterparts: Tyroin Lannister as the pawn; the Red Keep as the Castle, House Targaryen as […]
Not Your Regular Kind of Deer
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with A Song of Ice and Fire / ASOIAF / Baratheon / Warning / Sign / Book / Games Of Thrones / Stannis / Joffrey / House Baratheon / Deer / GoT / Robert Baratheon OnTypically when you see a warning sign with a deer, you expect to see an animal bounding about in the area. Lannister. Stark. Targaryen. Arryn. Tully. Greyjoy. All houses be warned: warrior king feasting and fornicating in this area. Inspired by Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and […]
Game Of Thrones Houses
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire / ASOIAF / Arryn / Baratheon / Greyjoy / Lannister / Stark / Targaryen / Tully OnHouse Arryn of the Vale, wardens of the East; House Baratheon had the warrior king, he loved to whore and feast. Greyjoy of the Ironborn, his destiny yet unknown House Lannister with golden hair, uspers to the throne House Stark of Winterfell, loyalty is their worth House Targaryen in exile, […]