Back in My Day
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Music / MP3 / 80s / Geek / Retro / Nerd / Video Games / Apple / Gamer / Controller / Sony / Joy Stick / Walkman / View Master / Old School OnCelebrate old school, revel in retro, and let nostalgia take you for a ride back to the late 80’s and early 90’s… Back in my Day, back before there were mp3’s, before there were even CD’s, there was the cassette tape. If we wanted music on the move we didn’t […]
Very Hungry for Apple
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Book / Childrens / Corporate Logo / Apple / Very Hungry Caterpillar / Apple Logo / Eric Carle / Steve Jobs OnOn Monday, he ate through 1 corporate logo but he was still hungry… Eric Carle’s Very Hungry Caterpillar eats Steve Job’s Apple in this mash-up.