Was It Something I Ate?
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with Alien / Lego / Sci Fi / Funny / Aliens / Prometheus / Ridley Scott / Horror / Chest Burster / Brick / Face Hugger / Minifig OnLego meets Aliens in this chest bursting mash-up.
End of Story
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Alien / Buzz Lightyear / Toy Story / Infinity / Pixar / Aliens / Prometheus / Ridley Scott / Disney / Chest Burster / Face Hugger OnPixar’s Toy Story meets Aliens in this face-hugging mash-up.
Earthling Invaders
Posted by admin in Video Games tagged with Alien / Retro / Space Invaders / Gamer OnRemember folks, we are not alone AND they are more scared of us as we are of them. Role reversal of the classic arcade game, Space Invaders.
Buzz Shot First
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Wars / Han Solo / Lightsaber / Alien / Jedi / Buzz Lightyear / Toy Story / Force / Pixar / Disney / Cantina OnWith the merger between Star Wars and Disney complete, finally the famous cantina scene originally cut from Toy Story can now be included as originally intended. NO editing. NO tampering. NO extra footage. Everyone knows Buzz shot first…until Toy Story Remastered Blu-Ray Edition. Star Wars meets Toy Story in this […]
100% Sci-Fi Fan!
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky tagged with Firefly / Serenity / Star Wars / space / Robot / Doctor Who / Matrix / Alien / Time Travel / Machine / Back to the Future / Star Trek / Geek / Starship / Dune / Sci Fi / Nerd / Aliens / Blade Runner / Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy / Tron / Light Speed / 2001 / Terminator OnWhat do the following films/books/TV shows have in common: Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Blade Runner, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, Firefly/Serenity, Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. If you answered “They’re all awesome!!!” then you my friend are officially a Sci-Fi fan. 50% nerd, 50% geek, and […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Alien / Aliens / Prometheus / Xenomorph / Chest Burster / Face Hugger / Facehugger / Chestburster / Teddy Bear / Bear / Plush OnSome aliens attack humans. Others attack Predators. And yet others just want to cuddle a teddy bear. When a face hugger and a cute teddy bear come together, the result is bursting with adorableness! Aliens meets Teddy Bears in this cuddly mash-up.
Peralta Burster
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Alien / Movie / Graphic / Prometheus / Skate / Chest Burster / Skateboard / Powell-Peralta OnOld school skateboarders will no doubt be familiar with Powell-Peralta decks and their famous skull-bursting-through-the-board design. Likewise, most people are familiar with Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise and the evil little buggers penchant for bursting through chests. So it’s only natural that the alien chest burster would meet the skull board […]
Alien Rhapsody- Aliens Shirt
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with space / Parody / Music / Alien / Sci Fi / Aliens / Prometheus / Ridley Scott / Horror / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody / James Cameron / Xenomorph / Album Cover OnIn space, no one can hear you scream…unless you’re harmonizing in key of course! Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy? Trapped in a spacecraft No escape from the extra-terrestrial xenomorph (The song kind of goes into squelchy eating sounds and screams at this point) Ridley Scott’s […]
H.P. (Potter & E.T. Mashup)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Harry Potter / Quidditch / Hogwarts / Parody / Alien / Geek / ET OnInspired by the iconic scene in E.T. where Elliott is riding his bike through the air with E.T. in the basket against the backdrop of the moon, H.P. gives us the silhouette of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Harry Potter flying his Nimbus 2000 across the face of […]
Intergalactic Space Jockeys
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with space / Alien / Geek / Sci Fi / Aliens / Prometheus / Hr Giger / Intergalactic / Ridley Scott OnIf you’re familiar with the Alien franchise you may be familiar with the term “Space Jockey”. In the original Alien movie he was the giant dead alien found manning the giant gun found on the derelict ship. He has featured more prominently in the Alien comics If you’re not familiar […]
X-Phile: I Want To Believe
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Typographic tagged with Alien / X-Files / Mulder / Scully / I Want To Believe / FBI OnOne for the X-File fans. I -“The Erlenmeyer Flask” W -Big Blue from “Quagmire” A -Cigarette Smoking Man N -The Lone Gunmen T -Donnie Pfaster from “Irresistible” and “Orison” T -Alien abduction O -Flukeman from “The Host” B -Bees E -Abducted Smoking Alien from “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space” L […]
Alien vs. Predator Chess
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Predator / AVP / Alien / Chess / Versus / Violence OnChess is a character-building game; a gentlemanly game. It requires strategy, patience, planning and thought. And if it’s AVP Chess, it requires carnage…think of it as Wizard’s Chess with weapons and teeth. Alien versus Predator in a the ultimate winner-takes-all chess match. Checkmate.