Machine Gun Bloom Bloom
Posted by admin in Miscellaneous tagged with Flowers / Machine Gun / Soldier OnMake love not war. Put flowers in your hair and have a drum circle. Peace, love and music. Go back to Woodstock you bloody hippies! I’ve got a fully-automatic “flower-power” machine gun and I’m not afraid to use it! With over 150 rounds a second, I’ll pump you full of […]
Limited Edition – Zombi Zombie
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Zombie / Apocalypse / Zombies / Walking Dead / Red Eye OnWhether or not the zombie apocalypse is upon us, you can always dress for the occasion. This zombie-inspired tee features the walking dead with eerie red eye accents against an asphalt background. This is a limited edition print, so hurry as stocks may run out before the zombie apocalypse even begins!
Animals with Frickin' Laserbeams
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Animals / Panda / Shark / Austin Powers / Laserbeams / Tuttle / Pig. Squirrel / Goat OnYou can never have too many animals with too many lasers on their heads. Dr. Evil: You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Ah, […]
There’s A Party In My Snake
Posted by admin in Miscellaneous OnHow can you be a social butterfly when you’re a rodent? Well with the social snake party palace, you’ll be the talk of the town. This roomy reptile has something for every party mouse. The party python has room to gamble, room to dance, room to play, and room […]
Posted by admin in Geeky / Video Games tagged with Science / Video Game / Electricity / Double Helix / DNA / Bioshock OnDerby #291: Video Game Titles Reinterpreted. Here’s my pitch for a movie for a super hero movie: so there’s this teenaged kid, okay, and he notices that whenever he walks under street lights, they turn off. So that gets him thinking like, Whoa wait, am I electrically charged?! So he […]
Schrödinger’s Equation
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Equation / Cat / Schrödinger / Mathematics OnI’m sure we all know that Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation that describes how the quantum state of some physical system changes with time. And I’m sure we also know that it is not a simple algebraic equation, but (in general) a linear partial differential equation. Obviously. Now that […]
PPP (Perversion Of Paranoid Populace)
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Dystopia / 1984 / Big Brother / George Orwell / Orwellian / Security Camera / Watching / Surveilence On“Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal.” “Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled […]
Puppet Check Up
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with The Muppets / Kermit the Frog / Puppet / Hand / X-Ray On*** WARNING: THIS MAY SHATTER YOUR CHILDHOOD DREAMS *** Folks, I have some sad news today. After falling sick at his Malibu home, Kermit the Frog was admitted to hospital this week with suspected carpel tunnel. X-rays revealed the extent of the problem was far worse than first anticipated, showing […]
Grim Readers Book Club
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Books / Death / Grim Reaper / Reading OnJoining a club is a great way to experience existential despair. “All right, everybody, this is very exciting. Welcome to the first meeting of the ‘Contemplate Your Own Death For A Few Moments’ club. Thanks for coming!” “Thank you, Cheryl.” “Let’s get right down to it. Did everybody do this […]
First Date
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Wars / Ewok / Chewbacca / Love / Wookiee / Hair OnStar Wars had a number of love stories – Leia and Han, Anakin and Padme, but little attention was paid to the real love story between a Wookiee and an Ewok… They had a love that was real, that was enduring, that was forbidden. The wookiee and the ewok. A […]
Earthling Invaders
Posted by admin in Video Games tagged with Alien / Retro / Space Invaders / Gamer OnRemember folks, we are not alone AND they are more scared of us as we are of them. Role reversal of the classic arcade game, Space Invaders.
Hero in a Pac-Shell (Donnie)
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with Cartoons / Retro / Sewer / Raphael / Donatello / Leonardo / TMNT / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Gaming / Arcade / Video Games / Ghosts / Shredder / Foot Clan / Maze / Comic Books / Michaelangelo OnShredder and the Foot Clan had better watch out! The only thing this mutated Turtle loves more than chomping on pizza pellets is battling (and eating) Ninja Ghosts! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles meet Pacman in this retro mash-up. Raphael, Michaelangelo and Leonardo also available.
Time Travel Is Dangerous
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Time Travel / Whovian / Dinosaur / T-Rex OnYou may think being a Time Lord is all very romantic, jumping between points in time and space to see the most historic moment in human (and alien) history. But life as an intergalactic vagabond can be dangerous. It’s not just the cybermen and dalek that make it dangerous, but […]
Zombie Eat Flesh
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Typographic tagged with Fast Food / Zombie / Typographic / Zombies / Walking Dead / Subway OnHungry for something different? Try Zombies and Eat Flesh! Remember at Zombies, the people make the difference! $10 for a 24 hours only. Subway meets Zombies in this corporate logo parody.
Rebel for Life
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Skull / Rebel / Helmet / Alliance / Ghostrider OnNo matter what people tell you in life, you have to choose sides. Rebels or Empire. Browncoats or Alliance. Mac or PC. In the Star Wars universe, the dark side may have cookies, but the rebels have apparently perfected the ability to turn people into fiery animated corpses. With a […]
I Want To Believe
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Jesus / Mary / Religion / Sci Fi / Science Fiction / Aliens / Weird / UFO / Wtf / Sasquatch / Bigfoot / Big Foot / Men In Black / Double Helix / Christianity / Loch Ness Monster / DNA OnX-Files has a lot to answer for. I want to believe. The truth is out there. But then so are a lot of nutters. I grew up watching X-Files: Mulder, Scully, and a myriad of alien conspiracies, paranormal activity and unexplained phenomenon. From alien encounters to giant fluke worms, the Jersey Devil to […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Cartoons / Film / Buzz Lightyear / Toy Story / Childrens / Pixar / Movies / Aliens / Disney / Woody / Eyes OnAliens: Cute. adorable and fun to squeeze…the Disney/Pixar type aliens, not the illegal Mexican aliens…unless that’s your type of thing. Aliens come in all shapes and sizes. You’ve got the likes of X-Files aliens, sinister, lurking in the shadows and conspiring to take over the Earth. You’ve got the likes […]
That's No Basketball
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Star Wars / space / Darth Vader / Death Star / Galaxy / Stars / Space Station / Basketball OnWhen you get tired trying to take over the galaxy under the watchful eye of the Emperor and ridding the universe of the rebel scum, sometimes its nice to just go out, hit the court and have a little game of basketball. Space Jam eat your heart out! Inspired by […]
Adventure Awaits
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Cartoons / TV / Sci Fi / Science Fiction / Disney / Pop Culture / Television / Princess / Karen Hallion / Khallion / Beauty And The Beast OnDoctor Who meets Beauty and the Beast in this mash-up.
Time Fiction
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Matt Smith / David Tennant / Whovian / Quentin Tarantino / Pulp Fiction / Jules Winnfield / DW OnJust what the world needs…hitmen that can travel through time and space. Well they are pretty badass Doctors. Doctor Who meets Pulp Fiction in this trans-dimensional mash-up.
Python Style
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Monty Python / Black Knight / Holy Grail / Ni / Gangnam Style / Psy / Monty Python And The Holy Grail / King Arthur / Arthur / Knights OnRiding invisible horses before it was cool. Monty Python meets Gangnam Style.
Time Travel is Cool
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Doctor Who / Tardis / Whovian / Timelord / DW / Secret Society On2nd place in Derby #290: New Secret Societies with 292 votes! Here’s my pitch for a sweet new time travel movie! Opening scene: there’s a dinosaur walking down Madison Avenue and everyone’s like, “Holy crap, a dinosaur!” except for one or two people who’re all like, “What do you expect […]
Die Hard… Level 5!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with 8-bit / Video Game / Die Hard / A Good Day To Die Hard / John McClane OnJohn McClane has been bashing around for a few years now bringing down any terrorist who threatens the United States. From office towers in lock-down to planes held hostage to the reserve bank being cleaned out, each Die Hard movie plays out like a video game. And with the release of the awesomely named […]
Enjoy Bacon
Posted by admin in Pop Culture tagged with Bacon / Corporate Logo / Coke / Coca Cola / Bacon Time OnEnjoy Bacon. Why, yes I do. Coca Cola meets Bacon in this corporate logo parody.