I’m gonna smash it!
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Video Games tagged with 8-bit / Movie / Marvel / Disney / Game / Thor / Hulk / The Avengers / The Hulk / Wreck It Ralph / Fix It Felix OnThere are support groups out there for all sorts of things these days, including groups for arcade game villains wanting to cast off the stigma of villainy and dreaming of heroism. Yet what of comic book heroes feeling the never-ending stress and unrelenting responsibilities of protecting the world 24 hours a […]
W&W’s Crystal Blue Candy
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Breaking Bad / Walter White / Mars / Heisenberg / M Ms / Candy / M&M OnI remember when they first introduced Blue M&Ms. I remember thinking they tasted better, tasted more vibrant. My parents insisted they were exactly the same as the other colors, but I knew better…and I was right! With 99.1% sugar and 0.9% Crystal Meth, you get more than just a sugar […]