Cuptain America
Posted by admin in Pop Culture / Geeky tagged with Marvel / Superhero / Comics / Coffee / Caffeine / Captain America / The Avengers / Superheroes / Coffee Cup / Steve Rogers OnAny old mug can hold a coffee, but it takes a supercup to hold off the evil caffeinated hordes. He used to be a small, puny paper cup until an experimental coffee transformed him into a super-size, super cup: Cuptain America. Now, with all the powers of a patriotic paper […]
I’m Geeky and I Know It
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture / Typographic / Geeky / Video Games tagged with Star Wars / Doctor Who / Nintendo / Lord of the Rings / LOTR / Geeky / Back to the Future / Star Trek / Gandalf / Mario Bros / Sci Fi / Aliens / Portal / Link / The Legend Of Zelda / Computers / BTTF OnGeeks unite! Star Wars. Star Trek. Doctor Who. Computers. Science. Mario. Zelda. Aliens. Lord of the Rings. Too long have we hidden our love for such things for fear of the stigma attached to being a geek. No longer will we be picked on in school or in the workplace. […]