Longbottom Leaf
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with LOTR / Pipe / Gandalf / The Hobbit / Smoking OnSure, this is a Lord of the Rings inspired design, but I’d like to thing there are elements of Harry Potter too. In the Harry Potter world Neville Longbottom became somewhat of a horticulturalist specializing in various genus of plants and lo and behold in the Shire Longbottom Leaf is the most popular variety of […]
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Sherlock / BBC / British / Fandom / Wholock OnYou’ve got to give it to the Brits – they know h0w to make good TV. Wholock brings together two of the most popular BBC television productions – Doctor Who and Sherlock – with Sherlock and Watson going for a ride in the TARDIS. Because let’s be honest, the only way […]
I Am Sherlocked
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Sherlock Holmes / John Watson / Benedict Cumberbatch / Martin Freeman / Geek / Sherlock / BBC / Jim Moriarty OnHe’s British. He’s Brilliant. He talks to a skull. He’s everyone’s favorite consulting, Sherlock Holmes. Inspired by the cult BBC series, Sherlock.
A Regular Blanket-Toting Sherlock Holmes
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Sherlock Holmes / John Watson / Sherlock / BBC / Peanuts / Charlie Brown / Linus Van Pelt / Linus OnJust as you never find Peanuts’ Linus Van Pelt without his security blanket, you never find Sherlock without his Watson. Inspired by “Snoopy Come Home” in which Charlie Brown calls Linus – who has just dug up the truth of Snoopy’s past – a “regular blanket-toting Sherlock Holmes”. Sherlock meets […]
Hockey Mask Evolution
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with TMNT / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Casey Jones / Jason Voorhees / Rick Taylor / Splatterhouse / Friday The 13th / The Good The Bad And The Ugly / Hockey Mask OnThey say sport is good for kids. They say it builds character, teamwork and communication skills. What they don’t say is that for those kids who were kicked out of their pee-wee hockey league, it has the opposite effect. Casey Jones, Jason Voorhees and Rick Taylor didn’t make it into […]