Best Drawing of the Solar System Ever!
Posted by admin in Typographic / Geeky tagged with space / Typographic / Solar System / Silence OnSpace. It’s big. It’s black. It’s out there. And quite frankly, it’s all a bit confusing these days. Pluto no longer a planet. The star systems and planets from Firefly, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Spaceballs not actually existing. Well finally a designer has had the good sense to illustrate […]
Do What You Dream
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Childhood / Neverending Story / Fantasy / Nostalgia OnIf you’re too young to remember the classic childhood movie, The Neverending Story, go out immediately and find it on DVD. It had everything a kid could wish for in a movie – colorful characters like a midget who rode a “racing snail”, a 30 foot tall rockbiter who rode […]
Horrible Weapons
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Pop Culture tagged with Knife / Machete / Psycho / Shaun of the Dead / Weapons / Axe / Evil Dead / Horror / Chainsaw / Sledgehammer / Drill / Record / Texas Chainsaw Massacre / Misery / Friday 13th / Jason / Driller Killer / Freddie Krueger / Norman Bates / The Shining / Blue Monday / Scary OnAh, violence. Sweet, brutal, blood-curdling violence. And the horror movies have the best – well, most obscenely grotesque – violence, and the best, and most unique weapons. So feel free to fill in the blanks below with your weapons of choice. Jason moved slowly toward the door, ______________ in hand, not knowing […]