Han and Wookiee
Posted by admin in Movies & TV tagged with Star Wars / Han Solo / Chewbacca / Ren and Stimpy / Cartoon / Wookie / Ren / Stimpy / Dog / Cat / Chihuahua OnJoin the adventures of psychotic chihuahua Ren Höek Solo and dimwitted cat Stimpson J. Wookie as they smuggle their cargo of magic nose goblins and hair balls across the universe in their 12-catnip ship, the Budgie Smuggler. And be warned, Ren will shoot first, you eediot! Ren and Stimpy as […]
Monty Python Crest
Posted by admin in Movies & TV / Geeky tagged with Monty Python / Black Knight / Holy Grail / Ministry of Silly Walks / Knights Who Say Ni / Spam / Parrot / Holy Handgrenade of Antioch / Something Completely Different OnIt’s a Monty Python Crest. But it’s pronounced “Throat-Warbler Mangrove”. And now for something completely different… Moose Trainer Wanted. Yodeling experience required…preferably in Chinese. Vegetarians and Italians need not apply.